Chaplaincy Team

“If our schools are not a space where another humanity is being created, where another wisdom is taking root, where another society is being created, where hope and transcendence have a place, then we are losing out on making a unique contribution to this historical moment.’’ (Pope Francis 2014)

Catholic social teaching and practice permeate every aspect of College life, and Prayer and Liturgy are our bedrock. Chaplaincy is an integral part of what we do at St Richard Reynolds, and our faith and values both shape who we are and influence our behaviour. 

Our College Chaplain, Rebecca Walker, is responsible for supporting the pastoral and spiritual well-being of students and staff across our community.  Her work involves guiding and advising staff in all aspects of Catholic and liturgical life – planning liturgies, organising whole College and tutor Masses, leading and facilitating retreat programmes, teaching Gospel and sacramental values to the Primary School and supporting those in need across the College.

We are fortunate to have good parish links with local priests who come into College to celebrate weekly tutor Masses on Wednesday mornings, as well as whole College Masses and the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Lent.  Our SRRCC Collective Worship timetable is posted in every classroom so that the students are reminded of each event through the week.

Chaplaincy team structure: 

Our students are fully involved in planning weekly Collective worship and Mass by organising altar servers, readers and music. 

Daily prayers in tutor time are linked to the Liturgical Calendar and the students follow the weekly tutor time prayer time table. Each tutor group has two designated Liturgy Representatives to lead the prayer each morning, there are also daily collective acts of worship led either by the students or teachers. Each year group follows their own time table. 

Each classroom has a prayer table reflecting the liturgical theme, our College prayer, prayer box including class written prayers  and SRRCC prayer booklet. 

Link to our prayer booklet here:

SRR Prayer Book 2022

Primary School Tours

For information about Primary School Admissions for September 2025 entry, please click HERE

Sixth Form Admissions

For information about Sixth Form Admissions for September 2025 Entry, please click HERE.

High School Admissions

For information about High School Admissions for September 2025 entry, please click HERE.