At St Richard Reynolds, we take the safety of our students in the physical and online worlds very seriously.
You will study online safety awareness and education right from the early days of year 7 in the Computing, PSHE and tutor time curriculum. Issues such as online safety, trustworthiness of websites, online threats such as malware, cyberbullying, digital footprint and building a positive digital reputation are covered.
Almost all cyberbullying incidents take place outside of school hours. As a student at SRRCC we expect online conduct outside hours to meet the standards of behavior we would expect in school time and all reports of cyberbullying will be investigated and taken seriously.
If students are worried at any time about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with them online, they are taught to click the CEOP button below:
For more useful information on online safety follow the link to the NSPCC site about keeping safe online:
If students are worried and are at school then they can talk to their Form Tutor, our Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Butcher or any Progress Leader or Senior Member of Staff. They will always have time to listen to any concerns.