As a Catholic College collective worship plays a fundamental part of daily school life and enables us all to join together as one in prayer and worship.
The school is part of the Catholic Church’s international family of schools. Religious education in the school is in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church; and religious worship is in accordance with its rites and practices. At all times the school serves as a witness to the Catholic faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe that St Richard Reynolds Catholic College is special because of the sense of community, and the relationships between teachers and pupils. Being part of this team engenders respect and a love of teaching and learning, celebrating each individual for their talents and becoming the person God has created us to be.
We achieve this by ensuring pupils engage with their faith daily, through a combination of worship, assemblies and masses, as well as liturgies, adoration and reconciliation at key liturgical times of the year. Mass is celebrated every Friday morning in the College.
Another key part of College life is putting pupils’ and teachers’ faith into action through Service and the Common Good; whether this is through the house system and fund-raising, Pupil leadership with our Mini-Vinnies or links with our Parish communities.
It is important that our children understand that there is a purpose to prayer. We pray four times a day – at the beginning of the day, before lunch, after lunch and at the end of the school day. We have KS1 and KS2 prayers and each year group has their own book of prayers to learn and say together. In October and May we pray a chaplet of the Rosary asking for the intercession of Mary for our intentions. Pupils are invited to join the Advent and Lent Art and Prayer group to join us in prayer, reflection and crafts based on themes from the Christmas and Easter stories.
Singing Worship
Every Thursday the school gathers together to sing songs of praise to God and practise hymns and songs that we use for our collective worship and for Mass.
Child Led Liturgy
Each week, pupils in each class prepare and lead their class in worship. In EYFS and KS1 they are guided by adults to prepare for this. In KS2 the children independently plan their own worship. Each liturgy is planned around the four parts – the gathering, listening to the Word, responding to the Word and sharing the Mission. Each class has a child-led liturgy celebration book.
Teacher Led Liturgy
Teachers plan a weekly worship for their class to allow time for reflection and prayer based on a religious theme. They are linked to the liturgical season, Sunday’s Gospel, or other religious themes such as Saints.
Celebration Collective Worship
Each Friday the whole school community comes together for a time of collective worship. We also celebrate the achievements of the school that week, awards are presented and two children in each class are chosen to receive the Pupil of the Week certificates . We end the week together by praying and thanking God for all He has helped us to achieve that week. Each class will also lead an assembly throughout the year based on a religious theme.
Throughout the year we have the joy of celebrating the Sacrament of the Eucharist in school. Our local Parish Priests come into school and celebrate Mass throughout the year. Children help to prepare and lead the Mass through Altar Serving, reading and bringing up the gifts during Mass. On different occasions parents and guardians are invited to join us for Mass in school.
To mark important events in the Church’s liturgical year, we hold special Liturgies e.g. Harvest and Remembrance.
Carol Service/Community Singing
Our Year 5 and Year 6 pupils and Choirs lead a Carol Service in one of our Parish churches. The story of the Nativity is retold through scripture and carols. Parents and guardians are invited to join us for this special time of worship. Our Year 3 and 4 children sing Carols each year at a special event in the community.
Passion Play
Every Lent, Year Three and Four perform the Passion play at the school. The children re-enact the Passion and Resurrection of Christ through drama, scripture and music. We are joined every year by parents and guardians for this special occasion in preparation for Easter.