
The Curriculum at St Richard Reynolds Primary School 

At St Richard Reynolds our core purpose is to provide outstanding learning and teaching opportunities for all our pupils. Our curriculum aims to offer challenge, leading to the highest standards of personal achievement through the recognition of individual needs and provides varied co-curricular experiences. We enrich our curriculum through visits out of school, themed days around topics and arranging visitors to come into school. We are fortunate to have specialist teachers from the High School to deliver Music, French and PE lessons.

Religious Education is at the heart of our curriculum and lessons are carefully planned to ensure that all areas of the Bishops’ Curriculum Directory are met i.e. Revelation, Church, Celebration and Life in Christ. Catholic Social Teaching is also embedded in our Programmes of Study to ensure that engagement with religious teaching is not solely the preserve of RE lessons but part of the development of the whole person.

To put our curriculum into practice, staff will:

  • Have high expectations of pupils 
  • Employ a variety of appropriate teaching and learning methods
  • Ensure that pupils, including those with SEND, can access the curriculum and are given opportunities and strategies to succeed
  • Deliver a curriculum which build upon pupils’ previous experiences
  • Provide work which offers depth, challenge, motivation and inspiration
  • Provide regular feedback through assessments and encourages pupils to evaluate their own learning
  • Develops pupils’ skills to become independent learners.
  • Reward and value pupil achievement
  • Work in partnership to keep parents informed regularly

To ensure that each subject area is developed and enhanced, each teacher has a subject specialism and leads a subject, monitoring how it is taught, how well pupils are progressing and what areas of development the school needs to focus on in order to raise standards in teaching and learning.

Curriculum Statement

High School Tours

Our High School College Tours are now available to book. Tours will take place on Wednesdays and Fridays throughout June and July. If you would like to reserve tickets for the tours, please click on the Eventbrite link HERE. Further tours will be taking place in September and our Open Evening has been scheduled for the evening of 2nd OctoberShould you have any questions, please contact

Sixth Form

Applications for our Sixth Form have now closed. Should you need any further information, please contact

Primary School

Applications for our Primary School have now closed. Should you need any further information, please contact