What are the Mini Vinnies?
‘Mini Vinnies’ is the name for a St Vincent de Paul Group for primary aged pupils. The group gets together to organise and talk about helping others in need within our school community of Twickenham. Mini Vinnies’ at St Richard Reynolds Primary School meet once a week with Mrs Morgan (LIturgy Coordinator).
What happens at a Mini Vinnies’ meeting?
Mrs Morgan co-ordinates the group and gives help and advice on the practicalities of ideas.
- The president opens the meeting with a prayer
- A short spiritual reading/ reflection/ piece of music/ meditation follows the prayer.
- Group members then talk about the Mini Vinnies’ activities they have done since the previous meeting. Any future plans are then discussed, shared and auctioned.
For more information on the Mini Vinnies please visit their website – www.minivinnies.org.uk