Sports Premium Funding
Primary PE and Sport Premium is an initiative that aims to help increase and improve the PE and sporting opportunities for all children. It was first provided in the 2013/14 academic year and the government has continued funding for primary schools.
The Government believes that headteachers and school leaders should decide how to use the funding for PE and Sports in school. They are held accountable for the decisions they make through:
- The performance outcomes of all pupils compared with their peers
- The Ofsted inspection framework, under which inspectors focus on the attainment of pupil groups, in particular in those areas where specific funding has been provided
- The reports that schools are required to publish online for Parents
All primary schools receive a lump sum of £16,000 plus £10 per pupil aged 5 or over on roll. At St Richard Reynolds we believe that the Premium sports funding should be used:
- To provide high quality continued professional development opportunities to up-skill our staff and ensure we continue to raise standards of learning and teaching.
- To provide targeted activities and support to encourage all pupils to be active.
- To encourage active play during break times and lunchtimes.
- To encourage children to develop healthy lifestyles and hopefully inspire them to take up a sport. The Daily Mile initiative is part of the school day so children are continuously active.
- To develop a broad co-curricular programme to ensure pupils take part in physical activities before and after school.
- To introduce a new range of sports and activities to inspire and encourage more pupils to take up sport and physical activity.
- To increase pupil participation in sports competitions and tournaments.
The College is delighted to have been awarded with the Schools Games Gold Mark, the Youth Sport Trust Silver Quality Mark and a Quality Mark Distinction from the Association for Physical Education (afPE).
Primary PE & Sport Premium Statement 2024-25
Primary PE & Sport Premium Statement 2023-24
Primary PE & Sport Premium Statement 2022-23
Primary Sport Bulletin December 2023
Primary Sport Bulletin July 2023
Primary Sport Bulletin March 2023