Primary School Development Priorities

Each year the school staff and governors consider the school’s strengths and areas for development, with additional input from parents and pupils,  to ensure standards, achievements, safety and well-being as well as leadership and management are on a continual drive for improvement. School Development Priorities are identified using  external evaluations, alongside our own extensive and detailed self-evaluation processes -data analysis, learning and teaching monitoring, surveys, staff appraisal processes. The priorities often also reflect the national agenda for education.  These priorities form a School Development Plan. Each school priority has a clear set of success criteria and associated actions, aimed to help the school achieve termly milestones towards the final outcome. The Leadership team reviews the progress against these targets termly.  Staff training foci and budget allocation are based on school priorities. A summary 2018-19 School Development Plan can be found below.

2018-19 Summary Primary School Development Plan

High School Tours & Open Evening

High School College Tours are taking place on Wednesdays & Fridays until 18th October. Reservations for tour tickets are now closed as the tours are full. If you would like to be added to our waiting list, please contact

Sixth Form Open Evening

We welcome you to our Open Evening on Wednesday 9th October, 6-8pm. If you would like to register your interest to attend one of the talks from our Head of Sixth Form, please complete this form HERE. Should you need any further information, please contact

Primary School

Primary Tours for September 2025 entry will resume in September. They will take place on Friday mornings at 9:30am. To reserve a space on one of the tours, please access our Eventbrite booking system via this link HERE. Should you need any further information, please contact