Our tutor and Personal Development programmes offer carefully planned and resourced support for our students to make informed, personalised and positive choices about their post-18 options. In order to support students to make these decisions, we organise a range of opportunities for them including:
- A trip for all Sixth Formers to a Russell Group university
- A trip to the UCAS exhibition
- Early careers event – getting advice from those early in their careers about the decisions they made
- Futures Evening – we host a range of speakers offering advice to parents and students about post-18 options and student finance.
Link to Futures Evening Presentation 2023
We offer extensive support for all of our students applying to universities to help them to navigate the UCAS system confidently and effectively. The majority of our students progress to university with nearly 50% of those joining Russell Group universities. In 2022, three students started courses at the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford and one student commenced a degree in Medicine at Bristol. In 2023, a student began a Physics course at Imperial College, London, another student gained a rowing scholarship at Princeton University, USA, and a further student started a mechanical engineering course at Oxford University.
In 2024, our students progressed to the following universities:
In addition to those who attend university, we have a smaller proportion of students who wish to head straight into the world of work through employment or apprenticeships. In Year 13, we offer a planned and personalised programme of support to these students drawing on the expertise of our Careers department and many external providers.
In addition, for those making early applications to Oxbridge, Medicine, Veterinary Science or Dentistry, we offer a programme of additional and bespoke support include interview practice, teaching sessions on admissions assessment, e.g. visit to Oriel College, Oxford, the TSA, personalised feedback on personal statements.
Here is a former student’s reflection on the Oxbridge application process. She is now studying History, Politics and Sociology at the University of Cambridge.
“Throughout the Oxbridge application process, I received unparalleled support from my history teachers, who took the time to read my written submissions and provide constructive feedback. I also gained advice and guidance from the school’s Leading Edge Coordinator, who arranged a practice interview for me with an external politics teacher, while also commenting on multiple versions of my personal statement. In Year 12 a group of us were lucky enough to partake in lectures delivered by Homerton College (Cambridge) with the intention of unveiling the mystery of the Oxbridge process and making it a whole lot more accessible.
Aside from the fantastic practical help I received from my school throughout the UCAS application process, I found the emotional support to be just as if not more valuable. The stability and consistency of the relationships the College provided me with throughout Year 13 facilitated and informed any success I had in exams and for this I am eternally grateful. SRR instils values of hard work and academic pursuit but also, simply, kindness and humility. These are the principles I will carry with me into the next stage with confidence no matter what challenges lie ahead.”
Visit our Careers page for more information on our Careers Programme.