College Enhancement Fund

Your help will make a difference and provide a lasting legacy for generations to come.

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We are very reliant on the generosity of parents and friends to ensure there is sufficient money both for routine maintenance and to help towards the long-term development of the College. The fund is really important to the continuing success of our College. The College is a federation of St Richard Reynolds Catholic High School and St Richard Reynolds Catholic Primary School. It is under the trusteeship of the Diocese of Westminster in partnership with the RC Diocese of Southwark. The College is part of the Ascension Catholic Academy Trust (ACAT) which was formed in December 2022. The fund also helps us maintain and nurture our specialism in Music for which we receive no state funding and have paid for many other items such as our minibuses. Every penny goes towards improving the educational provision here.

Whatever the size, all donations are very much appreciated. The amount you give is entirely up to you but, as a guide, we would suggest £300 per year or roughly £6 a week per student for High School parents and £150 per year or roughly £3 a week per pupil for Primary School parents. (Donations are voluntary and admission to the College is not dependent on making a donation). You can make a one-off or regular monthly or annual contribution to the fund and if you can make a Gift Aid declaration, the College can claim back income tax already paid on the donations. The Gift Aid Form requires completion if paying into the Governors bank account or via Scopay for the first time.

Ways to donate:

• By standing order
• By bank transfer
• By cheque or cash
• Via Scopay

Our bank details are:

Account name: St Richard Reynolds Governors Account

Account number: 00617076

Sort Code: 16-01-09

Please remember to add your name to the standing order instruction.

College Enhancement Fund Form

The College must raise signifcant sums to fund and maintain our buildings. Over £16 million pounds has been raised largely by the Diocese of Westminster and the RC Diocese of Southwark. The Sports Hall was completed in autumn 2019 funded by an interest-free loan of £1.2 million. Over £900,000 has already been raised and we need help to raise the balance. This is a big sum but we should consider that the hundreds of Catholic schools, churches, nursing homes and other institutions in London exist largely because of the generosity and committment of the Catholic community and others over many generations.

Thank you for your generosity.

Primary School Tours

For information about Primary School Admissions for September 2025 entry, please click HERE

Sixth Form Admissions

For information about Sixth Form Admissions for September 2025 Entry, please click HERE.

High School Admissions

For information about High School Admissions for September 2025 entry, please click HERE.