At St Richard Reynolds Catholic College we believe that all our students are entitled to an inclusive education where they can make progress and achieve their full potential, irrespective of special educational needs or disability (SEND). As a College we are committed to the belief that every young person is an individual who brings something special to the College community. All students, regardless of ability, background or ethnicity, have the right to participate in and enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum which enables them to meet their full potential.
In our College, Quality First Teaching meets the needs of the majority of students through personalisation and differentiation to remove barriers to learning. Some students need educational provision that is additional to or different from this basic entitlement. Those who require provision that is personalised to a high degree and required to be delivered for the longer term, can be described as having a special educational need (SEND).
The SENDCos (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities Coordinator) at St Richard Reynolds Catholic College coordinate the special educational needs provision across the College. They support teachers and staff to meet the needs of pupils with SEND and liaise with external professionals, parents and carers.
The SENDCo in the Primary school is Mrs Forsdick who may be contacted at:
The Director of Inclusion in the High school is Mr Butcher who may be contacted at:
The High School Learning Support Department can be contacted at
At St Richard Reynolds we believe that every young person is Loved, Listened to, Challenged and Inspired and this is never more true than in the support of those pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
For more detailed information about our approach to inclusion and meeting the needs of pupils with SEND please read our School SEN Information Reports.
Achieving for Children Local OfferThe Richmond local offer of services provided via Achieving for Children can be found at and they can be contacted by telephone on 0208 547 4722 or via email at the following address: