The College maintains the following policies, statutory statements and documents that apply to both schools and the Sixth Form:
To access specific primary/high school/sixth policies please go to the relevant school area:
- St Richard Reynolds Catholic Primary School Policies HERE
- St Richard Reynolds Catholic High School Policies HERE
- St Richard Reynolds Catholic Sixth Form Policies HERE
Early Career Teacher Induction Policy
Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy
Safeguarding Statement of Intent
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) & Information Report
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
Paper copies of the information included in this website are available free of charge. Please request copies via the College Office
The College also maintains the following Whole College policies, statutory statements and documents which are not available to view:
- Central Record of Recruitment and Vetting Checks
- Pay Policy
- Performance Management Policy/Teacher Appraisal
- Premises management documents
- Register of business interests
- Staff Discipline, Conduct and Grievance Procedure