
British Values & Protected Characteristics

At St Richard Reynolds, we are dedicated to promoting values which ensure our students develop a strong sense of social and moral responsibility, and which prepare the young people at the school for life in modern Britain.   Our teaching of British Values is through the lens of our Catholic Social Teaching principles and combine to offer a strong moral, academic and spiritual education. 

Catholic Social Teaching Day to Day

Examples of how we live out our British values:

  1. The strengths, advantages and disadvantages of democracy and how democracy and law works in Britain in contrast to other countries is covered in the Key Stage 3 History and PSHE curriculum
  2. Students are actively involved in democracy through voting for the College Parliament where they have a voice that is listened to
  3. Mock elections are held during local or national elections.
  4. Students are taught and encouraged to express their views through Debating Club at KS3, Speak Out competition at KS4 and through hustings throughout all year groups. 
  5. Teaching resources and displays are drawn from a wide range of faiths for example our ‘Co-Exist’ display in RE and also the many examples of diversity in inclusion from our Women in STEM display to our diverse celebration of significant Mathematicians.
  6. Co-curricular clubs help develop students understanding of rules and all students at Richard Reynolds will participate in at least one club at KS3.

More examples of British Values, Protected Characteristics and Catholic Social Teaching can be found in our Personal Development Handbook below:

Personal Development Handbook

Primary School Tours

For information about Primary School Admissions for September 2025 entry, please click HERE

Sixth Form Admissions

For information about Sixth Form Admissions for September 2025 Entry, please click HERE.

High School Admissions

For information about High School Admissions for September 2025 entry, please click HERE.