Student Leadership

Sixth Form Leadership Team

The Sixth Form Leadership Team are selected in the Spring Term of Year 12. They undergo an application and interview process, with the Head Boy and Girl Team selected by the Principal and Head Governor. The SFLT receive a job description and induction t the role through external leadership training. The SFLT support the College in a variety of ways including leading assemblies, mentoring younger students, peer to peer support, and supporting at College events. The SFLT also have specific responsibilities, for example, sustainability, mental health, community, sports, performing arts, transition and leadership. They design their own project and goals they want to achieve in their time as SFLT and have a link teacher they work with and support.


Prefects are selected in the Summer term of Year 10. It involves a process of writing an application and interview selection process. The SFLT are also involved in this process alongside relevant staff. Prefects are provided with a job description and a prefect tie, they also undergo leadership training. Prefects will support the College community through a variety of ways including but not exclusive to; carrying out duties, mentoring younger students, supporting at clubs/in departments and supporting at College events.

College Parliament

Students can run as candidates for College Parliament in May. They design a manifesto and each tutor group has a candidate put forward in the College Parliament Elections. Elections are held in line with local elections at the start of May. Every student has a vote and the turn-out is usually very high. Once elected, the College Parliament meet once a half term. The SFLT link student supports in running these meetings. A range of topics are discussed, College Parliament students put forward any ideas or concerns and these are fed back to Leadership Team and Progress Leaders. Any action taken is shared with College Parliament and the wider College. Most recently, students suggested having more outdoor seating areas and activities at lunch which have been ordered and are currently been used. Our parent support group FoSRR funded these benches, which students have been very grateful for.

Primary School Tours

Primary Tours will take place on Friday mornings at 9:30am. To reserve a space on one of the tours, please access our Eventbrite booking system via this link HERE. Should you need any further information, please contact

Sixth Form Admissions

We are offering the morning tours which will enable you to have a look at our facilities and lessons during the day. If you would like to join one of our 30 minute tours, please register your interest by completing the form: Sixth Form Morning Tours Registration

For information about Sixth Form Admissions for September 2025 Entry, please click HERE.

High School Admissions

For information about High School Admissions for September 2025 entry, please click HERE.