Laudato SI is Pope Francis’ call for all people to live in harmony with God’s creation, our Common Home. This call asks for us to respond as stewards of the earth, not just because of the damage being inflicted on the natural world, but because of the harm it does to the lives of millions of people across the world.
At St Richard Reynolds we live out Earth’s stewardship by:
- Recycling
- Using less
- Traveling sustainably
- Buying locally
- Reducing the use of single use plastic
- Switching to sustainable sources for stationery purchases
Many of our students take part in our sustainability club where we look at ways to reduce the College’s carbon footprint. Our students are helping with paper recycling in the classrooms and have recently responded to a parent email about idling cars at the start and end of the day by conducting surveys.
In the Spring we always look at ways to increase biodiversity across the College site such as additional planting of wildflowers to increase the quantity of pollinators.
The College is proud of its Gold accreditation in Transport for London’s Sustainable Travel STARS scheme. Many of our students use active travel to get to school and the recent introduction of School Streets around the site has made this much safer for our students.