The Governing Body

The College is a Federation of St Richard Reynolds Catholic Primary School and St Richard Reynolds Catholic High School.

It is conducted on behalf of the Diocese of Westminster by a single Governing Body chaired by Luke Parker. Mr Parker is a parent of two children at the College, and also one of our founding governors.  He has recently taken up the mantle of Chair following the successful service of our first Chair, Andrew Cole KSG, who remains a governor. 

There are currently up to twenty-two governors, the majority of whom are Foundation Governors, appointed by the Archbishop of Westminster, whose statutory duties include preserving and developing the Catholic character of the College. Foundation Governors are drawn from the Catholic community across the whole borough and beyond. The Governing Body includes parent, staff and local authority governors, as well as the Principal and others co-opted to provide specialist knowledge and skills.

St Richard Reynolds Catholic College Governing Body


For this academic year, there will be the following meetings:

FGB Meetings 2023-2024

There will also be an Admissions Committee that will meet at various times to review both the High school and the Primary school admissions process.

Other committees are convened as the need arises to deal with matters such as pupil discipline.

The Chair and the Principal attend all meetings. 

Governors’ Code of Practice

Instrument of Government

If you wish to contact the Chair or any member of the governing body, you may do so through the Clerk to the Governing Body, Ms Catherine Davies (

For members of the Governing Body please see below:

Members of the SRRCC Governing Body

FGB Register of Interests

FGB Attendance Record

Minutes of most governing body meetings are available on request from the College Office.

Primary School Tours

Primary Tours will take place on Friday mornings at 9:30am. To reserve a space on one of the tours, please access our Eventbrite booking system via this link HERE. Should you need any further information, please contact

Sixth Form Admissions

We are offering the morning tours which will enable you to have a look at our facilities and lessons during the day. If you would like to join one of our 30 minute tours, please register your interest by completing the form: Sixth Form Morning Tours Registration

For information about Sixth Form Admissions for September 2025 Entry, please click HERE.

High School Admissions

For information about High School Admissions for September 2025 entry, please click HERE.