Racial Justice and Diversity

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35)

The above verse, taken from the Gospel of John, is central to St Richard Reynolds mission to ensure all are Loved, Listened to, Challenged and Inspired. 

The command to love our neighbour extends to all human beings irrespective of race, ethnicity, culture, or background; as Christ’s disciples, our love for one another will ensure that all members of our College community are held to be equal and are treated with dignity and respect.

  • We aim to challenge bias, discrimination, stereotyping and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010, that can lead to racial injustice or inequality and will work to embed anti-racist practice into all areas of our work, to create a more equitable and inclusive community.  
  •  The promotion of human dignity is the foundation of Catholic Social Teaching at St Richard Reynolds, in order to educate our young people as to what needs to be rejected as wrongful and unworthy, and celebrate our common humanity.
  • We aim to address the cumulative effects of past and present inequities to eliminate disparities and enable all our students to flourish. We believe that this can be achieved through the education of the whole person throughout the whole curriculum.

As an expression of Christ’s love, we support a vibrant college with full equality, that embraces diversity and allows for equitable opportunity for all; together we celebrate the diversity that enriches and unifies our community.

“Act justly, love kindly  and walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)

Racial Justice, Equality and Diversity in Sacred Scripture

Diocese of Westminster Justice and Peace Commission

Catholic Association for Racial Justice – Glossary of Terms

Primary School Tours

Primary Tours will take place on Friday mornings at 9:30am. To reserve a space on one of the tours, please access our Eventbrite booking system via this link HERE. Should you need any further information, please contact primary@srrcc.org.uk.

Sixth Form Admissions

We are offering the morning tours which will enable you to have a look at our facilities and lessons during the day. If you would like to join one of our 30 minute tours, please register your interest by completing the form: Sixth Form Morning Tours Registration

For information about Sixth Form Admissions for September 2025 Entry, please click HERE.

High School Admissions

For information about High School Admissions for September 2025 entry, please click HERE.