
Primary Leadership Team
Mr R BurkePrincipal
Miss A McMullenHead of Primary
Quality of Education Outcomes, Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Mrs D Forsdick Deputy Head
Inclusion – SENDCo, PPG, EAL, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Assessment Religious Education Coordinator (REC)
Mr C Rogers Assistant Head
Quality of Education, EYFS Lead, English Subject Leader 
Teaching Staff
Mrs H MorganReception
Our Catholic Community Coordinator
Miss C ArnoldYear 1
PSHE/RSE, Primary Parliament Lead
Miss D Connor-MalyonYear 2
Maths Subject Leader 
Miss L McCormackYear 3
Art and Design and Technology Subject Leader (supported by Mr R McPaul – Head of Art) 
Mrs E O’Byrne
Mr C Rogers (Friday)
Year 4
English Subject Leader
Miss D McCullagh Year 5
Assistant Head, EYFS Lead, English Subject Leader 
Mr M Newman Year 6
STEM – Science and Computing Subject Leader 
Mrs E O’Byrne Teaches across the school, Lead Religious Education Coordinator (REC)
Specialist Teachers
Mr X MackneyPrimary PE Subject Leader 
Mr M Kenny
Mr X Mackney
Mr S McGarity 
Mrs J Santos
Head of PE
Primary PE Subject Leader
PE Teacher 
PE Teacher
Miss C Firman Music Subject Leader (Head of Music) 
Miss H Church Music Teacher 
Mrs C Veale Head of MFL 
Mrs H Massey MFL Teacher (French)
Ms S Hunt Geography Subject Leader 
Miss L Gellard History Subject Leader (Head of History)
Additional Teaching and Support Staff 
* Our Teaching Assistants and Learning Support Assistants also deliver interventions across the school.  
Mrs L Lownds 
Mrs S Marsden 
Reception Teaching Assistant
Reception Teaching Assistant (1 day a week)
Mrs J Stevens Year 1
Teaching Assistant 
Mrs Nunn
Mrs B Phelan
Mrs Prescott-Brann
Year 2
Year 3
Year 3
Mr S Roy Year 5, KS2 Teaching Assistant 
Mrs S Marsden
Mrs M Devine-Bloomfield
Year 4, Learning Support Assistants 
Mrs H ParkerCollege Librarian 
Mrs R Walker College Chaplain 
Miss J McEvoy Medical OfficerPrimary Learning Support 
Mrs M Maccione Primary Administrator 
Mrs N Pisano Facilities and school trips coordinator

Primary School Tours

Primary Tours will take place on Friday mornings at 9:30am. To reserve a space on one of the tours, please access our Eventbrite booking system via this link HERE. Should you need any further information, please contact

Sixth Form Admissions

We are offering the morning tours which will enable you to have a look at our facilities and lessons during the day. If you would like to join one of our 30 minute tours, please register your interest by completing the form: Sixth Form Morning Tours Registration

For information about Sixth Form Admissions for September 2025 Entry, please click HERE.

High School Admissions

For information about High School Admissions for September 2025 entry, please click HERE.